Fractional Laser Resurfacing

Fractional laser resurfacing is a non-invasive procedure used to maintain or restore or enhance skin radiance. A fractional skin resurfacing treatment precisely targets any microscopic imperfections on the face and body, without damaging any of the surrounding areas.

What's it for

  • 1 Acne scars
  • 2 Scars
  • 3 Wrinkles
  • 4 Stretch marks

How it works

Fractional Laser works by breaking up a single laser beam into an array of smaller, narrow microbeams of light. These microbeams penetrate just below the superficial layer of the skin, creating microcolumns of heat. After your CO2 laser resurfacing treatment, you’ll be able to see the difference in your skin’s appearance! You’ll notice smoother, more even skin tone and a reduction in wrinkles and fine lines.

Why Fractional Laser Resurfacing

Resurface the face Remove acne scars, dark aging spots, uneven pigmentation, and sun damage. Minimal down time

Before & After

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Area Price/Sesssion Package of 3 (20% off)
Extra Small Spot (<1″) $150 $360 ($450)
Small Spot (1″-2″) $250 $600 ($750)
Around Eyes $300 $720 ($900)
Medium Area (Cheek, Forehead) $450 $1080 ($1350)
Large Area (Half Face, Hands) $550 $1320 ($1650)
Full Face or Anterior Anterior $700 $1680 ($2100)


Fractional lasers generally require one to three treatments to achieve the look you want. If you need multiple treatments, it’s recommended to set the sessions two weeks apart.
Immediately after treatment, your skin will be red and feel sensitive and sunburned. Redness, swelling, itching or stinging may last for a few days. Depending on the treatment, skin may even appear raw, ooze a yellow liquid and even blister.
Avoid all alpha hydroxy and beta hydroxy products (AHA/BHA), hydroquinone’s, retinols/retinoids, aspirin, Tazorac, Differin, and Vitamin E products for 3 days before your treatment. Clients should come to their treatment with a clean face and no make-up on.
Avoid using any “active” skin care and exfoliating for at least 7-10 days to avoid hypopigmentation. Avoid (Glycolic’s or Vitamin A). Cleanse, moisturise and sunscreen everyday.
Wear sunscreen and avoid the sun after the treatment.


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